Graziano Statello

Graziano Statello

Currently working as Senior Software Engineer at Nearform.

Nearform creates software solutions that accelerate enterprise success, enrich customer experience and contribute to the development of our community. About it

Senior Software Engineer at Nearform

I work on a variety of projects, from full stack web applications to serverless microservices. I have a particular interest in the JavaScript ecosystem, and I am a strong advocate for open source software.

Senior Web Engineer at SignalAI

Developing pipelines across the full stack (FrontEnd, BackEnd, Database and Infrastructure) to optimise the delivery of advanced insights created from the consumption of millions of documents a day using Machine Learning and NLP.

Front End Technology Principal at AND Digital

My main achievement in this role was leading a fully remote team in building an ambitious mobile-first website for ordering and paying at table for Zizzi and Ask Italian. The result was a sound success and we had the highest adoption rate of any other similar product in the UK. We used GatsbyJs on a bespoke microservices AWS architecture and real time communication with the use of web-sockets, to guarantee the best possible experience in any mobile device.

Senior Product Developer at AND Digital

In AND Digital I helped building multiple products in a variety of industries.

  • Lead the migration of Premier Inn Business
  • Lead a small team in the creation of Restoration & Renewal Programme using Contentful as CMS and React.
  • Helped the update of multiple features for Lloyds mobile App using React Native.In AND Digital I helped building multiple products in a variety of industries.
  • Lead the migration of Premier Inn Business
  • Lead a small team in the creation of Restoration & Renewal Programme using Contentful as CMS and React.
  • Helped the update of multiple features for Lloyds mobile App using React Native.

Senior Application Developer at ICAP

I was part of multiple teams that built a real time trading platform used by brokers to arbitrate buying and selling of various financial products. My team was responsible for the web platform which we built using microFrontends in React and Redux, we used D3 to create custom charts. We used CI/CD with multiple daily releases and whilst monitoring performance, quality and security.

Web Developer at VML

I was involved in the modernisation and revamping of PremierInn using Adobe Experience Manager and AngularJs, improving SEO visibility, first time loading speed and allowing multi language customisation for german market. We ran Continuous Integration with multiple daily releases, canary releases and traffic monitoring

Front End Developer at OTO Travel Technology

Worked as a web developer for a small and dynamic startup that has distrupted the travel & tourism industry in Italy. I've been responsible for the creation and maintenance of a highly flexible whitelable used in a variety of travel agencies websites.